My Travelling History : Travelling to Saudi Arabia...
I went to Saudi Arabia to perform Omrah Hajj and visited (Jiarat) Rasul (Sm)’s Rowza Sharif (Shrine). When I went to Makkah I became astonished to see the beauty of the mosque and having gone to Madina, I felt I was going with Sayeedena Rasulullah (Sm) and Sayeedena Abu Bakar (Ra) during Hijrah. When I reached in Madina I visualized a voice
“talal badru alaina” that the full moon had risen by the side of the Valley of Wada. Then I caught sight of rows of date trees. To see the green tomb of Rasulullah (Sm)’s Rowza Sharif, I could not control my tears rolling down. I think I was born to see it. Those who see him with due respect and love upon him are Mu’meen (believers) and who don’t love him are Kafir (non-believers).
(La u'minu Ahadukum Hatta Akuna Ahabba Iliahi Miw Walidihi Waladihi Wannasi Ajmien.)
After ablution, I performed salat in the Mosque of Nobabi. I figured Rasulullah (Sm) in my Moraqaba (meditation). I performed 8 waqt of salat and conveyed my Salam upon him and he responded to my salam.
Travelling to Egypt...
After performing Omrah Hajj I went to Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. At first, I visited Mosque of Sayeedena Hussain (Ra), the leader of the martyrs and the youths in heaven. He along with 72 family members embraced martyrdom to save Mohammadi Islam in Karbala. His body was buried in Karbala and his head in Cairo. When I went to his Rowza Sharif I addressed him as brother and he came to me spiritually and embraced me. When these memories peep into my mind, tears roll down from my eyes. Because Rasulullah (Sm) says, “Those who weep with due love and respect on Rasulullah and his family will get recommendation from him.” I always beg mercy to Rasulullah and ask for pardon and make me his servant for ever.
(Allahuma salli ala saiedina Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad kama sallita ala ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima Innaka Hamidummazid. Alla humma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad kama barakta Ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima Innaka Hamidummazid.)
Then I went to the Mosque of Sayeda Jaynab (Ra), daughter of Sayeedana Hossain bin Ali (Ra) and after that I went to Sayeda Nafisa (Rh), daughter of Imam Jainal Abedin (Rh) and sister of Imam Baker (Rh). It is noted that Imam Baker (Rh) was the teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh) and his sister Syeda Nafisa (Rh) was the teacher of Imam Shafi’i (Rh). Imam Baker (Rh) and his sister Syeda Nafisa (Rh) made Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh) and Imam Shafi’i (Rh) disciples respectively and taught them Elme Ma’refat (spiritual knowledge). To follow Ahle bayet (family members) is the main theme in Islam. Though the both Imams were Islamic scholars, they took allegiance to Ahle Bayet.